Saturday 14 January 2017

Wild Dogs disturb our breakfast

It is an absolute privilege, and always very exciting to view South Africa’s most endangered carnivore in the wild, and especially when it is members of the very habituated Skukuza pack in the Kruger National Park.

While guiding a group of Animal Management students from Kirklees College in the UK on a Wildlife Studies Field Trip for African Insight, we were heading back for breakfast after our early morning game drive when we had this exciting experience.

I had already reached our special dining venue near Skukuza, and my students were already in the hall dishing up breakfast while I was still sorting out some of my belongings in the open safari vehicle, when suddenly my radio crackled into life! 
It was Andrew letting me know that he had taken a different route back and had bumped into the Wild Dogs resting right on the road near Lake Panic bird hide. 

Well, with a quick “i’m on my way” response, i bounded off into the dining hall ordering the students to abandon their breakfast for now and get back onto the safari vehicles pronto without asking any questions. My excitement was convincing enough, and they obeyed speedily. After a profuse apology to Liz, our very understanding caterer, we dashed off.

We were very fortunate that the pack had decided to take a rest at that spot and that all three of our safari vehicles were able to get there with all the students in the group having the opportunity to view them, and they gave us a splendid show of natural behaviour. 

On tour for African Insight - February 2012
Wildlife Studies Field Trip with students from Kirklees College in the UK

#wanderlust #travel #tour #touring #safari #southafrica #africa #nationalpark #krugernationalpark #youthtravel #wilddogs #carnivore #dogs #endangeredspecies #worldtravel #adventure #education #fieldtrip

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