Monday 16 January 2017

Leprous Grasshopper

The last instar nymph of the Leprous Grasshopper (Phymateus leprosus)

Also known as the Toxic Milkweed Grasshopper, they feed on toxic plants and give off a foul smelling toxic foam when threatened.

There was a whole bunch of them all over a shrub just in front of Forest Camp on the Moholoholo Private Nature Reserve when I visited there on tour during December 2010. 

This is a phenomenon known as juvenile gregariousness, with most of the young hopper stages forming dense aggregations on their food plants, and often bands of at least a hundred on the ground.

There is a detailed document entitled "Ten Instars in the Leprous Grasshopper" which gives lots more info on this interesting creature.

Moholoholo Forest Camp - near Hoedspruit - Limpopo - South Africa
December 2010

#wanderlust #travel #tour #touring #safari #southafrica #africa #insect #macro #grasshopper #entymology #nature #animal

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