Friday 13 January 2017

Honey Badger attacks cameraman

A honey badger being released by the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Center goes for the camera man!

These honey badgers were bothering a local farmer who, thankfully, asked this Center to catch them instead of him killing them. They were released on the Moholoholo Mountain View Private Nature Reserve near the Kruger National Park.

A film crew filming for a documentary on honey badgers came along to capture the release. The main cameraman made the mistake of wanting to make a final adjustment on his camera just at the wrong moment!

I was on tour for African Insight with a group of Animal Management students from Sparsholt College in the UK, staying over at the Moholoholo Mountain View restcamp. While visiting the Wildlife Rehab Center the manager, Brian Jones, invited us to join in watching these honey badgers being released.

It was a great experience and privelege ……. as well as a good chuckle of course!

On tour for African Insight - May 2013
Wildlife Studies Field Trip with students from Sparsholt College in the UK

#wanderlust #travel #tour #touring #safari #southafrica #africa #moholoholo #endangeredspecies #animals #honeybadger #wildlife

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