Friday 13 January 2017

Surrounded by Elephants

Surrounded by elephants in the Kruger National Park!
The herd was very relaxed, feeding right around us, as we sat quietly just absorbing the tranquility of this early morning scene with soft lighting on gabbronic Ship Mountain as a backdrop and panoramic views to the north across the undulating granitic landscape covered in lush grassland and mixed bushwillow woodlands with scattered tall Marula trees.  We were on the Voortrekker road between Pretoriuskop restcamp and Afsaal picnic site.

This “teenager” bull did not like our presence, as usual, and decided to challenge us from behind. They always put on a good show of “intimidation” and their antics are highly entertaining. We of course did not move and enjoyed the show until he turned tail and trotted off in disgust.

On tour for African Insight - February 2013
Wildlife Studies Field Trip with Kirklees College students from the UK

#wanderlust #travel #tour #touring #safari #southafrica #africa #nationalpark #krugernationalpark #animals #elephant #gamedrive #big5 #adventure

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